Monday, November 22, 2010

general update


OK Readers, all,  I'm nearly there.  All I need to do is get the TIE paper scanned and posted here and then I think I've made the most of the 'due record' and historical events that are appropriate.  The students have nearly completed the heat profiling on that 'standard immersion heater' element and our hope, during the coming week - is to complete the switching tests.  We need to find a means of recording that data and where - but the hope is that I'll be able to give links here - if I can't actually download the data directly.  We also need to establish a format for that presentation.  Maybe on or around the 26th?  I see a busy week ahead. 

I will then post those test results onto two forums - subject to the permission of their owners.  And then too, I'll go public with this blog of mine.  There is a danger however.  Our 'base line' tests were started on a standard element - simply to establish how far away from 'standard' one would need to move to get a realistic application established.  No sooner had we posted a picture of that first element than Glen posted an identical picture and predated that post by 2 days.  My concern is that he'll do the same with this published data of ours.  If he does, then I will have to call a halt to the public display of this and simply keep it under wraps until the work is entirely finished.

I now need to develop a script for the 3D video presentation of the thesis - that I've been detailed to do.  Fortunately I've found a narrator.  A last.  One of our students.  With his voice in mind - it should be easier to compose that script.  I've had a case of 'writer's block' - sort of.  I just needed to find that diction and voice to find the appropriate style of text.  And I think I'm there.  I'm going to develop that script on this blog of mine.  So.  It's likely to be changed and much edited.  But working this publicly also forces me to apply stricter editing standards - which are much needed.

So.  Onwards and Upwards.

Kindest regards,

BTW - the thread that was due for 'deletion'.  It seems that it will NOT be deleted after all.  Just locked.  This is much appreciated.  Also.  In case that decision is ever reversed CLaNZeR has allowed this to be on record on his own forum of  Not sure how to access that link but hopefully you all can manage it - should it ever be required.

And there's that link to my thread that has definitely survived the week.  LOL