Tuesday, November 23, 2010

1 the boundary constraint

16  - Script
The intention in the following series of videos is to share some aspects of a magnetic field model.  Hopefully then it can be better understood and its concepts more widely applied.  It is proposed that this may assist those many experimentalists who proliferate our free energy forums.  Hopefully it may give some kind of theoretical framework.  And if this is presumptuous then the defense is that all those efforts are seemingly advanced on a haphazard basis and are variously confused by overly complex coils and coil windings that daily, grow ever more complex.  It seems that all are searching for some elusive and magic properties assumed to be associated with the Toroidal Power Unit.  Perhaps this may help to return that focus back to some simple fundamental concepts that appear to have been overlooked.

Faraday's 'lines of force' from a magnetic field are evident when the magnetic force from a permanent magnet is exposed to iron filings.  The filings then adjust their positions to describe a linear array that is understood to correspond to that field alignment.  What is clear is that the filings are induced to alter their position which implies that energy has been transferred from the field to the filings.  What is not so clear are the actual properties in both the filings and the magnetic field that enable that energy exchange.  It's here proposed that this exchange is managed in a hidden dimension and that this same hidden force is the agent of all energy interactions.

To get a clearer picture of this one must first propose that all that is visible or measurable in our four dimensions of space and time are only made visible and measurable through the properties of light.  Light is known to move at a velocity of a little under 300 000 kilometres per second.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_light If anything at all exceeded that velocity then light itself would not find it.  The analogy is this.  We can see the balloon being blown by the wind.  We cannot see the wind.

 In effect, there may be something hidden, some particle or field of particles that moves light itself.  In which case, if there is an interaction between light and a field then that interaction may be evident but the actual agent of that interaction will remain as hidden as the properties of wind itself.  In as much as it's proposed that this field may move the particle, then the field itself may move faster than the particle in the same way that the wind moves faster than the balloon that it blows.  Therefore one can propose that there may be those particles or those fields that exceed light speed.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon  But if there were such particles or such fields then they would remain invisible - or dark.  So.  It is proposed that there may be particles that exceed light speed.  But.  If such particles existed then they would be beyond our frame of reference - a theoretical possibility - at best.  The object here is to argue the existence of that field and the particle that comprises that field.

Imagine that we've got a machine that can propel stones and it throws stones inside a vacuum so there are no possible disturbances to that throw other than the pull of gravity.  Then assume that the machine throws those stones with a set and predetermined force.  Then the rule is this. The smaller the stone the further the throw.  And correspondingly, the bigger the stone the nearer the throw.  That's logical.  But what if the stone was too small to be detected by that machine - or too big to be thrown at all?  Either extreme and the machine can no longer interact with that stone.  That's proposed as a boundary constraint.  In other words - we need a certain size to enable any kind of interaction at all.  We know that light can interact with atoms.  We rely on that interaction to make our universe visible.  Therefore one can conclude that light itself is within the boundary constraint of the atom.  But.  If there were forces that were moving light itself - then we know nothing of those forces or their particles to determine their own boundary constraints.

Now.  Our scientists have actually photographed an electron.  It looks something like this.

 In other words it's discontinuous. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=en-GB&q=discontinuous+state+of+particls%3F  Apparently the particle itself dips in and out of the focus.  It first dies and then gets reborn.  It appears from nothing and then disappears into nothing.  It comes and goes.  And the question is where in space does it come from and where in space does it then go to?  And could it be that it has two innate potentials?  The one is when it is manifest in our measurable dimensions to be photographed at all?  And then a second state when it's not manifest?  When it can't even be reached by light?  The one moment it's visible.  The next moment it's dark.

It's that dark - that non manifest - condition when it's proposed to interact with a background field.  And it's also suggested that this field - this hidden force - moves the particle - all particles - but in a different time frame or a different time dimension to that which we can either see or measure.  Effectively - when it disappears, then the particle would be moving at a greater velocity - or it would have reached a smaller size - or both - that would then put it within the reach or influence of the boundary constraints of that field.  And it seems that this hidden field must also share our dimensions of space as both the particle's appearance and disappearance are also localised in space. 

Our time frame is therefore determined by the speed of light. Any velocity greater than 300 000 KPS or 'C' as it's referred to - and it becomes invisible to light - or it becomes 'dark'.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy  And anything within or slower than C and it would, inevitably, be visible to light.  So.  Light is simply the boundary limit to our measurable dimensions.  This in turn, suggests that there may be more than one time frame albeit that those different time frames share the same dimensions of space.

With this in mind then the idea is to somehow unravel the properties of a magnetic field - based on the following assumptions.  The field has material properties or is particulate.  Those particles move at a velocity that exceed light speed.  The field is the agent or 'carrier' of all energy.  The actual energy exchange is determined outside our time frame and it precedes our own.  The effect of that exchange is measurable and visible in our own time frame.