Dear Reader,
I must admit to feeling a bit disheartened at the moment. I can't get my circuit to take any energy at all from the battery and I do not have the skills to do the required trouble shooting. Hopefully this will be fixed later on today.
What also is getting me down is the relentless attack of the technology on one of the forums that I read. Here we have that characteristic freedom from any kind of need to use scientific argument - yet the demands that we change the protocols to something that is certainly less than required by mainstream. It's all so convenient and so negative and so intellectually abusive. The data is not taken on merit. It's subjected to an absurd level of scrutinty and dismissed on any grounds they choose. I wouldn't mind too much but it seems to satisfy everyone who reads there. Clearly there's an entire want of impartial assessment. And that heavy handed partiality is absolutely not going to go away.
Which is why I keep going back to our EXPERTS. They're the missing ingredient. Unlike those trolls - they're really impartial. But what's lacking here is the courage needed to claim the result. Or at least rescue it from complete extinction which is where it's going at present. Golly. Our planet's health, our children's future, our own continued existence depends on just this. An honest and open review. WHAT has happened to man's quest for knowledge? Is this prescribed? Restricted to opinions on energy when not ONE LIVING PERSON can tell us what energy is? Humbugger - or Hamburger - or whoever he is - relies on the fact that experts never read his drivel. As does Poynty the Poyntless. And there's a little band of mindless twerps who then follow in that wake and show the varying levels of their own small minds.
I actually think that the problem is with me. This circuit should have been promoted by a qualified electromagnetic engineer - preferably of the male gender - and preferably by someone young and bright. That way - there's a chance it would have, at its least, be considered with respect.
Sorry to dump all this. But these last few days have not been my easiest. By the way I've enabled comments again. If Laurel Gramm or Harvey or Humbugger fill those comments with their usual drivel I'll post it here in full view that you can see the caliber of the detractors that I get. What horrible people there are out there.
Kindest regards,