Sunday, April 10, 2011

104 - more on the model

Dear Reader,

I have now exhausted my efforts to explain the field model in purely conceptual terms. But I have not really touched on the simple extension of those fields as they relate to the forces - except in a broad and generalised way. I'll see if I can somehow highlight the essential features of that model.

A material structure is defined as any object that has an inferred or defined boundary. No two material structures can interact unless they share a corresponding space and have a corresponding size.

Magnetic fields comprise bipolar tachyons that align opposite charges at 180 degrees to each other to form strings. These strings close at each extremity to form a circle. Many such circles in close juxtaposition are held bound to form the shape of a torus. This conforms to the general shape of Faraday's Lines of Force. The juxtapolsition of all those strings results in both an attraction and a repulsion between each of those strings. Each dipole adjusts to the chance positioning of its charge related to those dipoles from lateral and adjacent strings. Each adjustment results in the displacement in space of that first dipole that then propels it's neigbouring dipoles - throughout each string - resulting in an orbit. Because of the consistency in the positioning of each dipole the orbit has a justification or 'directional spin' that is expressed throughout the toroidal structure.

A one dimensional field - or single string has a simple or single orbit that can accommodate any justification from neighbouring strings. A two dimensional field has a justification determined by an axial spin which is fixed in relation to its centre. A three dimensional field has both an axial justification and a lateral justification thereby resulting in two predominant spins.

It is proposed that this is the background structure of the universe. All matter is held bound by a single toroidal field that remains outside the interactive reach of visible matter.

When any string is broken - through a singularity - then those magnetic dipoles fall out of that structured condition to form nebulae. This is the chance and chaotic condition of magnetic dipoles that have lost their 'feild condition'. The field condition is defined as an orbit with an implicit velocity to that orbit. That velocity then shared by adjacent strings in their perpetual reach to find a 'balanced' charge condition. The field therefore perpetuating a condition of attraction and repulsion - in whole and in part - that holds the field in a structured formation. Therefore - by definition - the broken string will be defined as having no velocity - no implicit arrangment or positioning of the magnetic dipoles in an alignment of attraction and repulsion - and, consequently - no structured formation.

That's about all I can manage for now. I'll get back here.
