Tuesday, March 1, 2011

82 - 12 days to 'd' day and counting

Dear Reader,

I've been finding more and more and more about this circuit. I've done some searches through Wiki and am reasonably sure that these 'effects' have not been seen or certainly not fully reported - so am confident that the demo will be 'unfolding' some new and, hopefully, interesting facts - admittedly about old, and well known phenomena.

But the full implications of a resonating circuit have not - I think - been fully explored. Aside from this and from the anomalous resulting energy efficiencies - will be a some attempt to give a 'standard' or classical explanation. I'm on the hop. But, as it's said - 'nothing concentrates the mind like a hanging at dawn'.

We're 12 days away from that demonstration. And still so much to do. I'll try and keep a daily update - notwithstanding. Today our invitations go out and I'll precede that with a phone call to the recipients - if possible.

Kindest regards

Just out of interest - that quote. I thought was by that beloved rogue, Sir John Falstaff from Shakespeare's Henry 1V. For some reason Wiki attributes this to Samuel Johnson. Then it's referred to as 'nothing focuses the mind...'. I think it may be erroneous. And I don't have a copy of the play so can't confirm things one way or another. In any event. It may have been incorrectly paraphrased. Either way - it PRECISELY describes how I feel. Something between a convicted criminal and a sacrifical lamb. The hope is that the conviction will be upturned and that there will be no need for that sacrifice.