Tuesday, June 7, 2011

124 - hope springs eternal

Dear Reader,

We're nearly there. I'm still struggling with the introduction to the paper - but that's only because I'm trying to get it simplified yet comprehensive. No easy task. I know now that the battle with our trolls is nearly over. A few coming forward with the occasional blunt swipe - but their arguments are stale and grounded in gross misconception.

When I look back at all those posts and all those objections - I feel I've climbed Everest - four or five times - only to reach the precipice to tumble down again. But this time I think we've forged a better path through all those previous climbs. Certainly it's one that others can now walk - without getting altitude sickness - or vertigo.

Whatever happens - published or not - these experimental results are profoundly significant. And I think they'll survive me - as required - if they're to be advanced. And that's all thanks to the internet. It is a sad truth that there is very little support for these findings - most significantly lacking by our 'free energy enthusiasts'. One would have expected them to rally. But the news is not palatable when it's advanced by an old woman - least of all one who is untrained. I think the hope or expectation was that such exciting news should have been advanced by someone with charisma - another Tesla. So. What can I say? And the most of those members do their own experiments within the constraints of budgets and available testing equipment. And to disclose the full benefit here one actually needs the super sophisticated measuring tools that I have been privileged to use. It is a truth that if our paper is published - then our instrument manufacturers will have to up the anti in their software to let these facts be more readily accessible.

Anyway - our target for submission is mid month. Everyone's rallying. And it's all good news. I have cautious reason to expect a genuine investigation by our reviewers - which will be a first. And I think the evidence will now be considered on its own merits. Which is a very good thing. I'm afraid that our South African academics have still not rallied. Perhaps that'll change prior to publication. One can only hope.

Kind regards