Monday, May 30, 2011

123 - the cover letter to be circulated with the revised report

Dear Reader,

The following is the letter that will now be circulated to all the major academies in England together with the revised report.

Rosemary Ainslie
Donovan Martin
Mario Human
Evan Robinson
Alan Macey

Dear Professor


Between 2001 and 2002, a co-efficient of performance (COP) greater than 1 was measured on various configurations of the circuit apparatus that is referred to in the attached report. These results were witnessed and accredited by many companies including BP (SA), ABB Research (NC USA), POWER ENGINEERING (SA), (a subsidiary of ALSTOM), CSIR (SA) and SASOL (SA). SASOL also offered UCT a scholarship to take this study further. That offer was declined. With the exception of Power Engineers, all those companies allowed their names to be referenced as accrediting authorities in a paper that was published in the October 2002 edition of Quantum Magazine. That publication detailed the experimental evidence of COP>17. This research has now progressed where a variation of the transistor configurations now results in measurements of an infinite COP. The attached report refers.

It is an incontestable truth that science can only be progressed by experimental evidence. And where a claim confronts mainstream prediction then such experimental evidence is essential. Standard protocols require the publication of a paper detailing the test and its results in a reviewed journal. Then subscribing experts can evaluate the paper and any claims related to those experiments. But it is also an unfortunate reality that - notwithstanding repeated efforts to publish - all submissions resulted in outright rejection of that paper, even prior to review of the paper itself. This prescriptive editorial comment has mitigated against the academic advancement of this technology over a period of 10 years including 5 separate submission attempts. In the light of our escalating global energy crisis it may, possibly, be considered an inappropriate response. The more so as each submission included greater measurement accuracy and, latterly, even more compelling experimental evidence.

A second route to the advancement of contentious science would be public demonstration of the experiment and its results. To this end and in a further effort to promote this technology, electrical engineering experts from all the major universities in South Africa, were invited to a public demonstration held on the 12th March, 2011 at Cape Peninsular University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa. The intention of that demonstration was to show these latest results of a unity breach in the transfer of electric energy more fully detailed in the attached report. This has also failed because, unhappily none of the invited experts attended that demonstration. Because of this, an eccentric transistor configuration was not fully disclosed at that demonstration. A full disclosure is now incorporated in the attached revised report. There have been repeated solicitations to all our South African academic experts, spanning a period of 10 years, to evaluate the experimental results for themselves. No academic has been prepared to both attend a demonstration and, or comment.

In order to circumvent any further interventions by Journal editorial staff and to promote a wide dissemination of these results, we are now forwarding the report of this experiment to a wide range of academies including your own. This will be followed by yet another paper submission that - if it is also rejected - will be open sourced on-line. We would appeal to all experts in related fields to simulate the results contained in this report or to replicate the experiment, as preferred. If there are any hidden flaws to the argument then this can be resolved through that evidence. The intention here is to advance this experimental evidence to a wide range of experts that the subject may then garner the close scrutiny and overview that it so clearly requires.

While the results themselves confront mainstream prediction it is clearly allowed within classical paradigms as the results can be replicated experimentally as well as simulated on software programs. The results were predicted in a thesis related to a non-classical magnetic field model. They point to the fact that Kirchhoff’s requirements for equivalence, in the transfer of electric energy, does not take the potentials of inductive and conductive circuit components into consideration. This would, nonetheless, be required in terms of Einstein’s mass energy equivalences. The test results indicate that inductive laws do, indeed, release this potential that the circuit material effectively becomes a second energy supply source. This potential has not, hitherto, been factored into our standard electrical applications.

This technology has been widely disclosed in the public domain and is, therefore, not patentable.

Kind regards,
Rosemary Ainslie
On behalf of New Energy Research Development